Wednesday, September 7, 2011

56th Brigade activated by governor for Hurricane Irene response.

(Camp Smith) 56th Brigade MERN Team soldier Spec. Robert Tozzo,
NYARNG G-6 Lieut. Col. Kim Farrier, NYG G-3 Col. Glenn Marchi
Photo by 1st Sgt. Mark Copelletti
Report by Sgt. 1st Class Dave Konig

(Camp Smith) The 56th Brigade played a significant role in the statewide military activation Aug 23 - 28, 2011 in response to Hurricane Irene.

56th Brigade deputy commander Lieut. Col. Ray Mechmann served as liason officer at the JOC (joint operations center) and provided command of the 56th Brigade troops on the ground. He was assisted by Capt. Brian Kanner. Capt. Kanner was called upon to do intelligence duties for the National Guard, providing maps of the flooded regions in Deleware, Schoharie, and Green counties.

Staff Sgt. John Shmotolocha and Sgt. Kevin Gilleo were tasked with JOC duty, conveying messages from the joint task force command to National Guard units deployed in the field.

The 56th Brigade MERN (Military Emergency Radio Network) team served on state active duty throughout the five day activation. Under the direction of 1st Sgt. Mark Copelletti, the team consisted of squad leader Sgt. 1st Class Dave Konig, Sgt. Jeffrey Locke, Sgt. Joseph Ranallo and Spec. Robert Tozzo. 1st Lieut. Alan Burg served on the team as a replacement.

The team was tasked with a two phase mission by JOC G-6 (communications) officer Lieut. Col Kim Farrier. The first phase was to provide MERN  capabilities for NY Naval Militia patrol boats, working with Master Gunnery Sgt. Fred Green, the Command Sergeant Major of the NY Naval Militia. The team accomplished the mission, providing the National Guard with the capability of putting  patrol boats into the field equipped with high frequency military ship-to-shore communications.

Phase Two was to supply MERN radio and MARS (Military Auxillary Radio System) communications between the JOC and the National Guard units deployed upstate. 1st Sgt. Copelletti set up his personal MARS radio station out of his vehicle, and, with Spec Tozzo, set up both communications networks for the National Guard.

The mission was deemed a complete success by the Operation Irene command. With the hurricane downgraded to a tropical storm, not every soldier in the brigade was activated, however all stood by with their go-bags packed, ready to assist their state in the emergency.

At the brigade after action review, Lieut Col Mechmann expressed gratitude for the help of staff officers Major Susan Maros Victoria and Capt. Louis Nock, who provided logistic and personnel support to the mission. Brigade commander Col. David Warager voiced pride in both the troops who served, and those who stood ready. "This is why we joined the NY Guard," he said. "to provide the National Guard with vital capabilities in a state emergency."

PHOTO: Capt. John Mancini, NJ National Guard
(L to R) Sgt. Gilleo, 1st Sgt. Copelletti, Sgt. Ranallo, Sgt. Locke, unidentified NYARNG soldier, Staff Sgt. Shmotolocha, Col. Marchi (NYG G-3), Brig Gen Swezey (Op Irene Commander), Capt. Kanner, Lieut. Col Mechmann, Sgt. 1st Class Konig, 14th Brigade NCO, Spec. Tozzo, 14th Brigade NCO

See the photo posted on the NY Division of Military and Naval Affairs website:

Watch the Task Force Irene video:

Read coverage of the National Guard & NY Guard response to Irene in here:


(Camp Smith) Spec Robert Tozzo installs a MERN
antenna atthe Joint Operations Center.
Photo by 1st Sgt. Copelletti
(Verplanck) Sgt. 1st Class Dave Konig and NY Naval Militia
Master Gun. Sgt. Fred Green set up MERN Radio on patrol boat.
Photo by Spec. Robert Tozzo.
(Camp Smith) MERN Team NCOIC 1st Sgt. Mark Copelletti
checking antenna.  Photo by Spec. Robert Tozzo